这个是国外站。不能说是屏蔽,但是可以说可以去举例子吧function tdGetCookie(name){
var prefix = name + "=";
var namePos = document.cookie.indexOf(prefix);
if (namePos == -1)
return (null);
var valuePos = namePos + name.length + 1;
var endPos = document.cookie.indexOf(";", valuePos);
if (endPos == -1)
endPos = document.cookie.length;
return (unescape(document.cookie.substring(valuePos, endPos).replace(/\+/g, " ")));
function tdTrack()
if (tdTrackBackUrl)
tdTrackBackImg.src = tdTrackBackUrl;
function tdInit()
var tduid = "";
// Your organization ID
var organization = "973163";
// Value of the sale.
// Leave as "0.00" if not applicable.
var orderValue = "0.00";
// Currency of the sale.
// Leave as "EUR" if not applicable.
var currency = "EUR";
// Event ID
var event = "93109";
// Event type:
// true = Sale
// false = Lead
var isSale = false;
// Encrypted connection on this page:
// true = Yes (https)
// false = No (http)
var isSecure = true;
// Here you must specify a unique identifier for the transaction.
// For a sale, this is typically the order number.
var orderNumber = new Date().getTime();
// OPTIONAL: You may transmit a list of items ordered in the reportInfo
// parameter. See the implementation manual for details.
var reportInfo = "";
var reportInfo = escape(reportInfo);
/***** IMPORTANT: *****/
/***** In most cases, you should not edit anything below this line. *****/
/***** Please consult with TradeDoubler before modifying the code. *****/
if (tdGetCookie("TRADEDOUBLER"))
tduid = tdGetCookie("TRADEDOUBLER");
var domain, checkNumberName, scheme;
if (isSale)
domain = "tbs.tradedoubler.com";
checkNumberName = "orderNumber";
domain = "tbl.tradedoubler.com";
checkNumberName = "leadNumber";
orderValue = "1";
if (isSecure)
scheme = "https";
scheme = "http";
tdTrackBackUrl = scheme + "://" + domain + "/report"
+ "?organization=" + organization
+ "&event=" + event
+ "&" + checkNumberName + "=" + orderNumber
+ "&tduid=" + tduid
+ "&reportInfo=" + reportInfo;
if (isSale)
+= "&orderValue=" + orderValue
+ "¤cy=" + currency;